The Challenge | The Land Where Displaced People Settle

Characterize land cover/land use at informal settlements of displaced populations using NASA satellite datasets.

Heart Of Soil (Matir Pran)

It is a smart soil testing device to measure pH and moisture of soil. We also made an android app. After collecting data, we will get suggestions form app. By using this device people can test soil and get report in app on time.

Machine Code

Farmers in rural area haven’t scientific knowledge about their field and soil. All they know manual and traditional methods to determine the type or condition of soil. But if they could know exact information about soil and what harvest grows well in that condition then they will able to grow more harvest.

So we tried to solve this problem by developing a simple and easiest system.

Device should be able to determine the soil quality and condition like pH, Temperature, Soil moisture etc. By this time they should get a feedback according to soil condition. So we made a simplest android app as possible.

We’ve used an ArduinoUno board and some sensors to sense the moisture, pH, temperature, soil type etc. We also made an android app according to results we get from sensors. Server will store and analyse data and give a feedback to user/farmer in their language.

Problems we’re facing by the time we develop this system are, most of existing methods of determining soil type, soil elements uses chemical

Test. But we need digital sensors. So we have to find out the sensor if they exist or make any alternative solutions. As farmers will use this device, so we also need to make this cheaper as possible.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.