Awards & Nominations

iteam5 has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Global Nominee

The Challenge | Looking GLOBE-ally

Analyze and/or display data to communicate interesting findings or improve public understanding of our home planet.


Introducing GLOBE Cloudsearch. Using crowdsourced 360 images uploaded to the app, GLOBE Cloudsearch profiles ordinary and rain cloud movements using trained Machine Learning algorithms to create a localized cloud cover map for users to view real-time.


The future of localized weather prediction is based on cloud cover information. The NASA GLOBE Observer app allows “citizen-scientists” to upload images and describe clouds…to an extent…

Mobile phones will soon be equipped with 360º cameras and the point location images could capture the whole sky in one instant with a full field of view.

Introducing GLOBE Cloudsearch. Using crowdsourced 360 images uploaded to the app, GLOBE Cloudsearch profiles ordinary and rain cloud movements using trained Machine Learning algorithms to create a localized cloud cover map for users to view the real-time rain or shine.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.