The Challenge | Spot That Fire!

Build a crowdsourcing tool for citizens to contribute to early detection, verification, tracking, visualization, and notification of wildfires.


Report fires from a mobile application with a georeferenced photo and notify people in the community near the fire that they have installed the application, in addition we have a web page to take historical reports of fires that have occurred in the world


Report a fire

  • Mobile application takes georeferenced photo.

Verify and define fire reports

  • Current stage
  1. Validation with the NASA Open NEX API
  2. Web application to inform
  • Future proposal
  1. Login for local authorities
  2. Decision support with Machin Learning
  3. Automatic fire detection in photos with Deep learning

Notify communities at risk

  • Mobile application notifies nearby fires

Track and visualize fires

  • It shows in the mobile application the fires and an optimal route in the map to a safe area

Create mashups

  • Interactive map where the user queries fires in different parts of the world using API Open NEX

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.