The Challenge | Don’t Forget the Can Opener!

Create an easy-to-use way for people to develop their own, custom checklists – both items and plans – for specific kinds of disasters. Use NASA images, videos, or data visualizations to illustrate each disaster type, to help people understand how to prepare.

Linking Information Journey - Alert - Prepare - React - Mitigate

Creating a data driven platform for user to get one stop customise information

One Planet


The human race has learnt, improvised and gained control over multiple things. Starting from the environment we live in, to our individual medical health. Latest technology & science has helped us achieve what earlier was unthinkable. Space technology has been instrumental in providing some of exceptional solution to mankind .

Despite these achievements, we are helpless in front of mother nature's fury like Earthquake, Flood,Tsunami, Volcano , Drought, which are unpreventable and causes devastation. Preparedness for such calamities can prevent damages to a huge extent.

The characteristic of Natural calamity are as below

  • Natural calamity does not understand geographical boundaries.
  • Each calamity has lasting ripple effect
  • Calamity can not be prevented but can be contained

About us

Our team tries to bring multiple thread of meta data as single platform for quick analysis and decision making insight. As part of data driven system, it is important that data should be accurate and interlinked . The origination of data can be via different source like remote sensing & imaging satellite, IoT devices etc. These meta data can be further enhanced for analysis using artificial intelligence.

These information can be given as service to end user, corporate and other sector via customised presentation layer (mobile app/web app/ IVR/ BOT).Given scenario usage of information will be different for different sector and users, presentation layer should have user / location level customisation.


Natural calamity categories are-

  • Earthquake
  • Flood
  • Tsunami
  • Cyclone / Typhoon
  • Forest Fire
  • Landslide
  • Volcano

Disasters are at times inter connected eg., Sometime Earthquakes are followed by tsunami, storm brings flooding which may lead to landslides etc.

Following services can be used to collect data which can give advance warning about such calamity at ground level

  1. NASA data - Remote sensing ,imagery , Radar , Tsunami prediction etc
  2. Location data - Real time temperature and weather
  3. Disaster response - Actual status of man and machine and advice in case of an emergency
  4. Emergency service and Administration - Location wise advice and information for rescue team and user,
  5. Statuary advice using real time monitoring - Aviation, Rail , Ship , Road based on location

The base to fight natural calamity is sharing the information. Today we have multiple source of information which can be connected across geographical locationon real time basis for timely action to preventing loss. Further analysis of information with pattern and prediction, using Artificial Intelligence and cognitive analysis.

Based on the back end information superhighway, disaster applications with emergency preparedness checklist and mitigation advice/information can be customised.

In the customised application, at user level following easy to use functionality will be given

  1. Creating login account for personalising service
  2. Geo-fencing user for location tracking
  3. Location wise alert and advice ie. Costal, Hill etc.
  4. Interconnected service for rescue mission (Medical/Transportation/Evacuation etc).
  5. GPS and Guidance system.
  6. Location wise available essential service information.

Most of the service will be in form of container which user can directly opt and deploy . Same provision will be made for personal engaged in rescue and evacuation services.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.