Benifit of this project:
1.Knowledge Based (Learning).
2.Web App , Android app can easy to use.
3.Offline service using Android, pdf , print option.
4.Checklist with item and plan for Early preparation
5.Early Warning System.
6.Monitoring and analysis.
Used Resource:
1.Web based project with bootstrap,Js,Ajax,php application using android studio.
3.Nasa Image, video, visualization use in project.
4.IoT based Monitoring System .
5.arduino ide,
6.Sensore used are:Gprs,Wifi module,Temparatue sensore,Ultrasonic Sensore,Flame sensore,earthquake sensore.
7.Phpmyadmin database
Disaster,either manmade/natural can be surprising or predictable and devastating. To fight with natural Disaster and reducing the loss, early preparation and alert service is a practical solution. Through This app people can easily prepared .
SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.