The Challenge | On the Shoulders of Giants

Create a game using images from the Hubble Space Telescope as integral components!

Hubble AR

Hubble AR is a game which allows one to explore astronomy with Augmented Reality technology, review learnings with Q&A sets, discuss and share ideas with cohort across the world.

Space Invaders

Hubble AR is an Augmented Reality game which demonstrates astronomical phenomenon captured by Hubble Telescope. The use of AR facilitates multiple perspective visualization of phenomenon enabling better and deeper understanding and adding new dimension to studies. The learnings from the lesson can be reviewed with Q&A section which is followed after every lesson. The curious questions, doubts, ideas and solutions can be shared across world.

The project uses Unity3D, a popular game engine for rendering 3D information and Vuforia frameworks for Computer Vision and AR capabilities. The interactions have been scripted in C#. Open source software Blender and Inkscape was used for content creation and UI/UX design of the application.


Hubble AR app can be used to enable learning through 3D models through AR for every new discovery made by NASA. Since, today most of the people possess smartphones, so penetration of such learning architecture can be deeper, thus students can be provided deeper understanding of astronomical phenomenons with fun thus igniting the sense of curiosity of how life can be outside the earth.

We are also going to provide access to the users to add new 3D models for any upcoming discovery made field of space exploration in our app database which will be beneficial for all.

Resources list:

Images from Hubble Telescope for AR cards:

3D Models for augmentation:

Information about the phenomenons for Q&A set:

The major challenges faced mainly include 3D contents which were time consuming and difficult to reconstruct and find resources for it.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.