Intergalactic Space Alliance | Mission to the Moon!

The Challenge | Mission to the Moon!

Use NASA Data to Plan a Rover Mission on the Moon!

Rover On the Moon

Rover craft on the moon surface controlled by player - using keyboard or premade arduino controlller

Intergalactic Space Alliance

Right nowstudy of the Moon dedicated to special unmanned vehicles called- rovers, they are guided by a man remotely. Main benefit of using them is reducing cost of researching by satellite, and also eliminating the risk for human life. But rover management is not an everyday task. Our application provides a basic understanding of controlling this vehicle.

The project is created using the Unity 3D and the C # programming language, with additional Arduino-based remote.

Unity is a cross-platform development platform that allows you to ship a project to a variety of operating systems, including mobile ones.

Source of some 3D models:


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.