The Polar Storm | Polar Opposites

The Challenge | Polar Opposites

Design a data analysis and/or visualization tool to show the spatial and temporal changes in Arctic and Antarctic ice to a general audience.

The Polar Storm

Our mission is to give people the knowledge to protect pole as they face destruction. the project is a website helps people to get the best knowledge form the best sources; it's like a search engine that provides information you precisely need.

The Polar Storm

Poles, two of the most important parts in our planet; Climate change, Global warming and other human pollution activities lead to their destruction.

We’ve to stop these aggressive behaviors, We’ve to Increased awareness of importance of poles.

Here, we’ve got the idea, Website has a search engine in the most reliable resources and the most related. It will increase scientists’ ability to search. To create this website, we used the most reliable resources like NASA, Nature, Science…etc. We used NASA Images, Videos, and searches. There were some challenges faced us like having no designer, but we faced it buy learning in the last 10 days. Some logic errors in the code but finally, we solved them.

Our website: Polar Storm/index...

This site was published only to facilitate the way of finding the information the learner or the researcher is looking for about the Arctic and Antarctic poles. We divided the site into many categories to make the information easy to find by the scientists. The first category is economic Features; in this category you can find all information you want about it and what is the benefits of the opposite poles. The second category is data Migration; in this category you can find a feature which allows the search to collect the data from all available guaranteed sites. The third category is Guaranteed Data, this category is programmed to filter the search results to find and view the guaranteed and documented results.

In each of these categories you can find- Custom Search Engine Search to enable you to search in hundreds of multiple guaranteed sites.

2- Citation Machine to enable you to create citation for links for study purposes.

3- Haunted Sites to enable you to make custom Search for the scientists and engineers to get information from cited sites.

4- Time Categorized to enable you to categorize the stats of the poles according to the research year.

5- News to enable you to find the latest Research papers, journals and researches done by scientists in different fields.

6- Graphing API to enable you to graphs the functions of the statistics to help you to make graphs in your own research paper.

Our aim for the website is to help scientists in saving the arctic and the antarctic poles.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.