Awards & Nominations

CryoingDevs has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Global Nominee

The Challenge | Find My Cryosphere!

Design an app that lets a user pick a location and learn about the parts of Earth's cryosphere that impact that location.

Find My Cryosphere!

Find My Cryosphere! app is aimed to inform and predict cryosphere information based on the user location.


Global melting issues had increased the possibilities to lack of water one day.

In 2016, La Paz city suffered a problem of lack of water and our team wanted to prevent this happen again using data to predict the behavior of melting in nearby mountain ranges.

The Cryosphere show us the freeze areas in our planet. For this reason we decided to use the data provided for NASA in order to determine the changes in the freeze zones in a region and to predict the effects of global melting.

Moreover, our study case for this matter is a water dam of La Paz City, Bolivia called Hampaturi, it has a capacity of 3.1 millions of cubic meters which, among other water dams, provide water for nearly 30% of the population of La Paz.

This is the link to the repository project.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.