The Challenge | Do YOU Know When the Next Rocket Launch Is?

Create a tool to track international rocket launch information.


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for those who are interested in space, and want to watch the rockets’ catapulting, or want to keep up with all the innovative news about space missions and events; we introduce TOSSx to you and for you.


Did you ever think of the number of the rockets shooting through the year? Did you want to watch someone catapulting someday? What about watching the next one? Our app can do so. All it takes to watch the live stream of the rocket, and even its countdown, is to choose your rocket. Not just that, you can also keep up with all the updates and the upcoming events.

To the second tab where all the rockets’ names listed and inside you’ll have all its info.

To the third which is our surprise. Do you think that kids will understand or will be interested of such boring info from their perspective? Of course not. That’s why we create the tab no.3. so, what does it include? It consists of comics about previous rockets’ experience and their adventures. Also, they are written in a fabulous interesting way to make kids more curious to know more. When do the next story will be added to tab 3? Well, we thought that we must put a specific time to the story, but we thought that the story will be put randomly, but inside the month period to make the kids get into the app, so that they can see the events’ updates.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.