Awards & Nominations

RocketLaunch has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Global Nominee

The Challenge | Do YOU Know When the Next Rocket Launch Is?

Create a tool to track international rocket launch information.

ROCKETLAUNCH Tracking Schedule of Rockets Launch - TSRL

Rocket launch around the world tracked by data analysis on the web

The project The project consists of a minning data date of tweets of the 15 international rocket launchers constants in (link wikipedia), using the Twitter API for Python, the consequent processing and treatment for conversion of tweets containing the key words "launch", "rocket" and information in the format date, and time, which are converted to the Google Calendar API event format.

The project structure is scalable and can be improved to contain statistical handlers for each agency, date or type of posting.

The formalization of the project followed the principle of "keep this source simple - KISS" is important for the knowledge curve to be fast for the use of the developed software.

The access keys were omitted, since private keys were used to develop the code.

For the development were used:






Google Cloud

Google Calendar API


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.