Awards & Nominations

Otter Space has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Global Nominee

The Challenge | Make Sense Out of Mars

Develop a sensor to be used by humans on Mars.

Martian health

Martian Health is a wearable device that contains sensors to measure radiation levels, oxygen levels, temperature and blood pressure. It will be able to alert you if these levels become unsafe and will send your coordinates to the nearest shelter in Mars.

Otter Space


  • The Earth is slowly dying. NASA is already planning the first mission to Mars by 2030. Other foundations like MARS ONE is planning to send seeds for germination to Mars to prepare it for humanity by 2025. This shows that we have the technological capability to send humanity to Mars, but do we know what will actually happen to our bodies once we get there?
  • The biggest problem for humanity to live on Mars is radiation exposure. This is due to the fact that Mars has no protective magnetosphere, unlike Earth. It also has no magnetic field and a thinner atmosphere,so it can’t deflect these energetic particles. This is in addition to exposure from cosmic rays (GCRs) and solar wind as well as lethal blasts from solar flares.
  • The MARIE showed that a human would exposed to 8 rads of radiation per yer compared to 0.62 rads on Earth.
  • Temperature: Temperature is also a big problem in Mars. While the highest can get up to 20 degrees C, the lowest is -125 degrees C!
  • Oxygen: Another problem of living in Mars is that humans can’t breathe the air there as it is 95% carbon dioxide. On Earth, oxygen makes up 21% of the air, however in Mars it is only 0.13%. The high concentration of Carbon Dioxide means that a breath of Martian air would replace the oxygen in our red blood cells with carbon dioxide instead. This would cause death for an average human in less than 3 minutes. That is why astronauts have to measure their oxygen level as it is vital to get the right amount of oxygen in the blood.
  • As well as these, blood pressure is also a big problem in Mars (especially in the journey to Mars) as being weightless will shift our blood and fluids upwards, burdening and straining on our hearts. This can cause dizziness, fainting, nausea, and more serious complications.


  • Our solution to this is a wearable device containing integrated sensors to measure your radiation levels, oxygen levels, blood pressure and temperature.
  • Each category will be colour- coded on the watch and will show the user if that level is safe or dangerous. Green means safe, yellow means warning and red means danger.
  • If these levels become dangerous (red bar), the watch will alert the user and automatically send their coordinates and information to the closest shelter/ station. (It will also show the distance of that shelter to the user)
  • Using the Azure AI Translation API, the alerts can be sent to the user in their preferred language so it is more accessible and user friendly to everyone.
  • Users will also be able to track their levels on our website ( as the watch will be connected to their account
  • Data collected from the watch can form part of their Mars Medical Records or can be sent to health specialists and professionals to assess their health status and recommend treatments/ advice (such as staying in radiation shielded areas, etc. )

Watch specifications

  • It will have a white colour scheme so it can reflect as much sunlight as possible as well as radiation.
  • Straps will be made of lightweight rubber material so it is comfortable for users
  • Watch must be in contact with skin, so the space suits would have a transparent part on the wrist so that users can still see their watch interface.
  • It will also have basic features of a watch like time, and a battery level
  • It will have zero gravity and a navigator integrated.
  • Screen size 20 x 28 mm


To measure:


Safe level

Dangerous levels

Effects of dangerous level

Radiation levels

Energetic particle sensor

(Radiation geiger sensor)

0-20 mSv

>20 mSv

Cancer, genetic mutation



10-40 C

<0 and >60


Oxygen level

Pulse oximeter




Blood pressure

PPG sensor



Dizziness, Fainting,


Target market

For future martians!

  • Our Mars watch will be for anyone will be living in Mars who wants to track their health, particularly radiation levels.
  • Could be made compulsory for Mars inhabitants to help them track their health status and send these info back to Earth/ Space stations.
  • Our watch can also be used by astronauts and people whose professions have a large exposure to radiation


Martian Health FitBit Versa Omega Co-Axial





Heart rate


Time/ Date



Radiation level



Oxygen level






Shows danger alerts



Works in Mars


Next Steps


  • Build the hardware with the built in sensors


  • Integrate AI and Machine Learning algorithms to learn user’s patterns
  • Create app to track and record user data
  • Partner with health companies (e.g. WHO, NHS) to analyse data
  • Partner with NASA so astronauts can use our product during Mars missions
  • Make product compulsory for future Mars inhabitants
  • Use NASA data sets such as Martian weather to alert users of potential danger.


  • In our team, we did not know each other before the hackathon, so we had to assign roles based on our strengths and weaknesses and worked as a team to get everything done
  • We are also only teens (9- 17 year olds) so we tried our best to create this product ourselves by intense researching, programming and designing.

Our team members

  • Andrea (17 years old)
  • Delilah (16 years old)
  • Duha (14 years old)
  • Indraneel (11 years old)
  • Felix (10 years old)
  • Maryam (9 years old)
  • Hawra (30 years old)

Code -

Presentation -

Website -


Watch your health with Martian Health!


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.