The Challenge | Invent Your Own Challenge

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Cloudy box

Convert physical storage in aircraft to cloud storage

Cloudy Box

CLOUDY BOX (Flight Information Recorder)

Many aircrafts have crashed and lost like MH370 the Malaysian plane in 2014 and many others didn't find it, and with the development of technology we see that there must be more sophisticated solutions to know the details of lost aircrafts faster and smarter.

This app is to solve the loss and high cost problems of finding the black box on aircrafts by replacing the storage to a cloud from being a physicist to detect aircrafts problems in lower cost and time by using the internet of plan. Project URL

Current Problems:

  • Loss of the black box
  • Cost of finding it (Money, Human, Time, etc..)
  • Maximum depth of capturing the box's signals in sea 3500 meters
  • Signal limit is just 30days
  • Existing solutions are limited


  • Replacing the physical storage to a cloud
  • Saving cost of finding it (Money, Human, Time, etc..)
  • Predicting accidents reasons at time of occurring
  • Knowing the location of the plane in real time


  • Accepting manufactured companies



SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.